I know that you mean about people trying to take you down. Oh, I can read your mind, in case you were wondering how I knew what you were thinking. I was a white man. I was also a reformer like you. I cared about representing the people. I did not want to support the big banks or other oppressive manipulative operatives who also paid off the members of our congress.
How did we ever become this kind of country? What happened to our original intentions to be a government for the people?
I hang out here in the Oval Office during the nights, when I want to get a sense of where things are now in the government. I had such hope that people would wake up and take responsibility to be active in their government over time, so that big banks and oil companies … pharmaceuticals and now even your new emerging Tech companies who want to manipulate DNA and create who knows what … would not be the ones running our country. I want the people to run the country.
I still consider this to be my country, by the way.
We all do stupid things in our lives. So what about that. The important things to focus on … are the ones where you reach for and live your freedom, while remembering more and more who you really are. And this is a lifetime pursuit. But begin with feeling every bit of the gratitude you have in you … because you will need this, fundamentally.
President Obama, stand and honor who you are. You are a gentleman, as we said in my time. You can be a leader, extraordinaire. You have what it takes.
Stop trying to please the democrats. Go for your own visions with everything you have. You are here to plant seeds that help to lift this country beyond the present self serving system that it has become.
I called my domestic policies a “Square Deal”, and I promised a fair deal to the citizens of our country. I broke up monopolistic corporations, held down railroad rates, and guaranteed pure food and drugs. And look at your food now, it is riddled with pesticides, hormones, antibiotics, radiation, and all kinds of things that make people sick and shorten their lives. And many of your drugs have become lethal. What happened to this country? I was a Republican, and many of my fellow Republicans hated me too, because I cared more for the people and their welfare,
than I cared for the greed of my congressmen …
I was the first president to speak out on conservation, and I greatly expanded the system of national parks and national forests.
You care about this earth you live on.
And Mr. President, some power hungry people could care less. If set free, they would ravage the earth so that future citizens suffer beyond what can be expressed. We can see the futures that lie ahead, more clearly than you who still live as human beings.
What you decide and choose, matters more than you know.
President Theodore Roosevelt, moves into the circle and then sits down in a chair that he creates out of nothing. Everyone is still reeling from Theodore’s [he hates the name Teddy] appearance from out of nowhere, not to mention his unexpected presence and his poignant message.
President Obama:
What I would give to find a Republican today, like you! You are an anomaly and I can’t find words to thank you enough for joining us.
Theodore Roosevelt:
Oh, and I also want you to know that I used my executive powers every time I could, in order to support the people, for whom the constitution was written. We did not create this government so that rich mostly white guys, who love to dominate and have power over people, could run our country! And I was not impeached. That was a joke, of course. I’ve been following the insanity of your current Republican party.
Michelle Obama, First Lady:
We need you now, Theodore. I love your values. I love Barack’s visions and share these same visions. And also, I have so many feelings about how the country is moving now. I can’t begin to understand the extreme movements in our country. It is like going back in time 50+ years. What happened to all of the progression that we have made as a country? What happened to all that Martin Luther King accomplished for all people of color?
What happened to women’s rights and the respect that they have worked so hard to build?
What happened to a person’s right to love who they want?
It is as though a hurricane of bigoted rage came through and just made one big mess of everything. The horror is that few understand the level of potential devastation.
What does it take to wake up this country? How many rights will be taken away from its citizens before they wake up and start participating more actively to build a country that is actually there FOR the people?
I know I rant, but no one else is ranting, so I will. It is horrifying for me to have so many threats to our lives … because we can’t be bought … because we are black … because we will not succumb to manipulation. We do give way to some, just because in the bigger picture, we decide that this is our best way. But this is not what I want in my life!
I am with you, Michelle. The people of your country and your world need your passion and your conviction for what is right and good … for living what is true.
Anais Nin:
It is almost imperative that the leadership of your country move to that of a more feminine perspective. You must have more feeling, and use more of your ability to perceive what direction would have the most optimal influence for the bigger picture, as well as taking into consideration the immediate one. You need more feeling and more of your focus on your intuition
to lead your country forward, beyond the present and dying system in place.
President Obama:
I completely agree with all of you! It is frightening for people when an old way doesn’t work any more. Sometimes they get desperate to put things back together. This will, of course, never work. But most of the Republicans are in this kind of desperation right now. And if I look closely, so are many of the Democrats.
Carl Jung:
“He who sleeps in the grave of the millennia dreams a wonderful dream. He dreams a primordially ancient dream. He dreams of the rising sun.
“If you sleep this sleep and dream this dream in this time of the world, you will know that the sun will also rise at this time. For the moment we are still in the dark, but the day is upon us.
“He who comprehends the darkness in himself, to him the light is near. He who climbs down into his darkness reaches the staircase of the working light …”
Every major movement of human kind has emerged from the uncertainty of one person. Mr President, that could be you. Michelle, that could be you. You can be a seed for something new,
even if this doesn’t become evident to your own country until a later time. What matters is that you plant the seed. P.S. Your world is going to make it.
(to be continued)
copyright © 2013-2014, Lyn Marsh,PhD, all rights reserved. You may not reproduce materials without permission from Lyn Marsh,PhD
The Red Book by C.G.Jung [also includes illustration in post,that Jung created], pg 272
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