This is the first of a new series where Einstein visits Robert Lanza, MD … in the middle of the night to talk of consciousness and life.
He is asleep, dreaming. “You don’t need me. I am of no use to you. Go. Remember what I could not.” His father says and then drifts off beyond sight, into the night.
Robert Lanza wakes up. He repeats what his deceased father said, over in his mind so that he will remember, then walks to get a glass of water from the kitchen. As he passes through his den, he glimpses a man sitting in his favorite chair. “This can’t be really happening,” he thinks to himself and continues on to the kitchen.
He returns to his den with a glass of water, and now registers the man in his chair, with hair of luminescent brain patterns … of branching nerves all lit. The galaxy of stars flowing out and around his head turns his brown eyes into black holes which penetrate into Robert’s soul.
Robert stands frozen in terror. He can’t process this. He wants to scream and tell it to go away. But something in him moves and he begins to feel more curious than terrified.
He sits down. This is the moment their eyes meet and he realizes that Albert Einstein is in his den. Einstein’s eyes speak of … the unknown … the innocence of imagination … the wise of ancients …
I came to talk with you of consciousness and life.
How can you be here in person?
Isn’t it you who said that consciousness never really dies … that cells in a human body have been alive for billions of years … that everything you perceive comes from inside even though you perceive it as being outside of you?
Yes, I believe that we [as consciousness] create everything from inside of our brain … that even the universe is inside of us.
What caused the Big Bang?
What is the nature of consciousness … of life?
Science seeks to discover the properties and processes within the cosmos, but it does not seek to understand these questions. They have a vacuum of response to our raison d’etre. It is life that creates the universe, not the other way around.
Yes, what you are saying is true. I wasn’t able to understand this, in my life time. I did want to understand more about the reason of our existence, but I could not find my way.
Dying does have beautiful gifts. And one is that I can experience the continuation of my own consciousness beyond physical death. I am not the personal Einstein that I was in my lifetime, but you create me in your mind, so that you can experience me as such. You can do this because your beliefs lie within the range of possibilities that include this.
There is not a principle of science in any discipline that hints or explains how on earth we get this feeling of being …. of aliveness … how we love. Yet as humans it is at the heart of who we are.
It could be that humans are afraid to know who they really are. It is more simple to assume that your existence will end at death or that some male god figure will take care of and pamper you forever, if you ‘obeyed’ him as a human. It is more complex to see yourself as consciousness that is creating everything that you perceive – and creating what you can not yet perceive …
The way I see it is that we create everything from inside our brain and then we perceive what we have created.
You have opportunity within each lifetime … to wake up, to remember and then reunite with a You that you do not yet know. Most of ‘You’ is in the unknown, in your unconscious. It involves much more than a collective consciousness. It involves a cosmic consciousness …
Most of who you are, is unknown to you. Your subconscious holds more power than your conscious and your unconscious holds more power than your subconscious, yet you – the conscious one – makes the choices and decisions in your life.
I think that our subconscious and unconscious are the ones making our choices and that our conscious self is acting from this.
That was true in your more primitive state of being, but not as a conscious human being. You hold the power of choice. This is an experiment of free will.
This is why your work is so important. You are searching to understand consciousness … to know more of life. As you embrace more of the meaning of life and consciousness, you will be able to take your ‘choice’ into the unknown of your consciousness, into the unconscious of who you are … and your choices will be more powerful.
This is fascinating.
I want to talk about the concept of time. Experiments in quantum mechanics demonstrate that observations in the present determine what has already happened in the past. In other words the present determines the past, not the other way around. You probably know about the double slit experiments with entangled photons.
If we think about measuring one of the twin [entangled] particles even if separated across the galaxy, the other twin particle will be able to tell that we are thinking about measuring their twin and respond before we do the measuring of their twin.
In some experiments, the experimenters haven’t yet decided what they are going to measure, but the photon or electron knows if the experimenter is going to measure/observe in the future, even though the observer has not yet made that decision.
This research actually supports that it is the future that creates the present, with the back drop of a particular past that lines up with a particular present. This scares people.
Your past is not the reason for your present. It is your future that is creating your present. What I mean is that there is a future that exists now. All of your futures exist now. So which of your futures is creating your present? You can look at your present situation to determine that.
If you are disappointed in love or in work, then your future is a future where love or work disappoints you. If you want to change your present situation, then change your future.
In order to change your future, you will need to understand that all of your futures, pasts and presents are existing now. If you can imagine this, then you can imagine going to that disappointing future, and when you are there you can remove the energy and focus you have been giving it.
Then take this energy and focus, and give it to a different future. It is already there, go find it. You will need to let go of time as you hold it, in order to do this.
Ralph Waldo Emerson once wrote, in The Over Soul.
” The influence of the senses in most men has overpowered the mind to the degree that the walls of space and time have come to look solid, real and insurmountable; and to speak with levity of these limits in the world is the sign of insanity.”
Isn’t it amazing that it is the poets, artists, and mystics who so often see truths before the present scientific world is open to explore them? And they are often dismissed and even made to feel that they are a disgrace, by the consensus scientists who are working hard to measure and process their limited conceptions of reality.
Barbara McClintock found that to be true.
She could ‘see’ the genes in her maize jumping to new positions in the DNA. She was dismissed and humiliated because she could ‘see’ with her intuition, with her imagination. These are feminine qualities and in your world, they are diminished and devalued. Yet many years later, she would receive the Nobel Prize for her discovery.
In the normal world, we see things and people come and go. They have their moments of birth and death. Logic is a fabric woven from these beginnings and endings. Yet those aspects of life that are timeless and eternal, such as consciousness, beauty, love, nature … lie outside our limitations.
And eternity is outside time all together.
There is no principle of science in any discipline that hints or explains how on earth we get this feeling of being …. of aliveness … love … Theories of everything, such as string theory, that do not acknowledge life or consciousness will lead to dead ends ….
Life is not separate from itself, yet humans like to pretend that they are separate from life. There is uniqueness and difference in oneness or unity, and there is oneness within difference … within uniqueness. They do not exist without the other.
Now I understand what my father was saying in my dream. I don’t need my father’s limitations. I am here to remember … Maybe my father in his present state of consciousness is setting me free … or perhaps I am setting him free by not having to be someone so exceptional to prove to myself that I am not him. I am free because I am remembering and reuniting with what is more real of who I am.
[to be continued]
from The Red Book by Carl Jung
© 2013-2015, Lyn Marsh,PhD, all rights reserved. You may not reproduce materials without permission from Lyn Marsh,PhD
Biocentrism by Robert Lanza MD