This is the second post of a new imaginative series where Einstein visits Robert Lanza, MD … in the middle of the night to talk of consciousness and life.
[To learn more about Robert Lanza, MD, you can go to:]
Albert Einstein and Robert Lanza drift together into a shared dream state where they find themselves walking into the Underworld. It is here that Lanza can receive information from his unconscious as it is making its way to become conscious … before it becomes conscious.
They walk on a road which serpentines through fields of golden grains which are undulating in the soft breezes and glistening in the afternoon sun. Lanza knows this place well, in his dream state.
The Underworld is also a meeting place where humans can connect with their loved ones who have died. And it is so much more.
Einstein finds the portal in the Underworld that opens him to the Imaginal Realm where Imagination imagines itself, where Creativity creates itself, and where Magic works itself. He and Lanza step through. As Lanza adjusts to the change in resonance, he notices that the ground … moves with him as he walks. The trees seem to recognize him and respond to his presence … He feels a sense of ecstatic belonging with no beginning … no end …
Before Lanza has time to put his thoughts together, he and Einstein are on the edge of the cosmos … looking into the universe from a perspective he has never imagined. The universe responds to his every thought and feeling, until he realizes that he and this vast infinite universe … know one another. In the inimitable stillness of this moment … he knows that he is so much more than he has ever imagined himself to be.
Three spheres of dark luminous light begin to dance around him, until the three move into one another to become one luminous sphere. Einstein whispers in his ear. “Mystery invites you.” Lanza enters the sphere.
As he does, he loses his sense of form. He is beingness before being … beginning before beginning begins. He is wholeness before wholeness exists. He has no sense of a personal self. Yet he has not lost ‘who he Is’.
Einstein reaches out to him through his mind and heart.
When Lanza opens his eyes, he is in his chair across from Albert Einstein, wondering how long he has been asleep. Einstein is smiling with discerning eyes that probe him.
Lanza finds himself spontaneously initiating another conversation:
For some reason I’m thinking about how Nobel Laureate physicist, Steven Weinberg
said that the existence of consciousness does not seem to be derivable from physical laws.
Yes, it is the poets, the artists, and the mystics … who discover the secrets that lie within consciousness because they are passionate to know more of the mysteries of life beyond the physical …
Ralph Waldo Emerson
once said: “We stand before the secret of the world, there where Being passes into Appearance, and Unity into Variety.”
We have this subjective feeling of ‘beingness’ … of aliveness, and there is no principle of science, in any discipline, that can explain how on earth we can get this from their physical explanations and research.
My friend Erwin Schrodinger
wrote a book called, What is Life, addressing metaphysical and deeper spiritual issues that had enchanted and inspired him through the discoveries in the physics of his time. Physics was more enchanting then. And in your time,
David Kaiser has written a book called, How the Hippies Saved Physics, which does address the issues of consciousness. Nassim Haramein
is exploring physics using ancient geometry as well as an unconventional uncertainty of knowing … to guide his explorations.
How do you know this?
I function within a liminal or in-between state, at the edge of the cosmos, let’s say. In your dream state, while you were asleep in your chair, you and I made our way into the Underworld. You just don’t remember.
And because of this in-between dimension of being, I can enter the Underworld and then connect through the dream states of humans in your world, if they allow this. They can also enter my world at the edge if they are reaching and if I allow. Therefore some very interesting things are possible.
What you say has inspired me to remember another quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson. He said. “Let man then learn the revelation of all nature and all thought to his heart. This namely, that the Highest dwells with him; that the sources of nature are in his own mind.”
Yes, the sources of nature are in our minds, our hearts … in all that we are. The paradox is that we know so little about ourselves. I know more now that I am in my ‘after life’ state. I know enough to realize that we will be forever discovering the infinite and the eternal of the essence of who we are … which is forever changing and evolving, never static …
Yes, I don’t believe it works to study science and yet ignore the nature of who we are. Physicist Andrei Linde
of Stanford University once said. “The universe and the observer exist as a pair. I can not imagine any consistent theory of the universe that ignores consciousness. I do not know any sense in which I could claim that the universe is here in the absence of observers.”
And then there is the whole issue of time and space that we have been talking about. Researchers often see time as a straight line. John Wheeler, an eminent Princeton physicist,
pointed out, as have others, that time does not necessarily move in a straight line. He said when we observe the bent light of a distant quasar, such that it has the possibility of appearing on either side of a galaxy, in its path … the act of measuring this light in the present time determines the indeterminate path that it took billions of years ago.
Time is not linear. People just pretend it is. You created time so that you could use it as a tool, and then you put limits on it. Some of you oppress yourself with it. Hundreds of years ago time was less linear than now. Humans are in love with a straight line. An Old One who has become my dearest friend reminds me of these things.
You actually create time and space to play, to explore, and to wake up more to the transcendent being that you are, while you are physical. This is your universe. You created your own universe. At the same time you are not separate from that which is More than you … You are not now all there Is. Yet you are not separate from All That Is — from GodGoddessAllThatIs. I use these names to reach into this vast mysterious, mystical Love … this ineffable Beauty …
As Jung said, you have an anima and an animus. If you contemplate this, you may realize that this is a limited expression for something more – for your soul and your spirit. If you look deeper you can realize that the nature of Soul and Spirit holds more than you can put your mind around.
This is why some people deny their existence or else they invent characters to replace them in their religions.
Consciousness is Real. Soul and Spirit are Real. Love is Real. You can spend forever exploring Love. Consciousness is not separate from Love. Individual expressions of consciousness can pretend that they are separate.
When they do, this becomes the nature of their relationship to Love. Love does not cease to exist any more just because they deny its existence.
Life is a gift.
And your life is all about learning how to receive this gift.
Wheeler once said that nothing exists until it is observed. Does life exist if not observed?
Yes, Life/Love Is, always was, and always will be. But in your world, nothing is there until you imagine it to be there … and you can call that observing if you want. But this doesn’t mean that love is not there, until you observe it. Maybe a better way of looking at it would be to say that Love is not experienced until you receive it … or give it …
There are worlds beyond the physical. There are dimensions you have yet to explore. These exist with or without your attention. There is a You that you don’t yet relate as being a part of yourself. You have not yet ‘remembered’ this ‘You’. It is not static. It is dynamic. You can remember aspects here and there … and as you do, you become more of who you really are. When you can bring this into your conscious life, so much more becomes possible.
It seems to me that the problem many in my world face when pondering such things as consciousness is that our language tends to be dualistic by nature and therefore it can’t really hold all the layers of truth emerging from various levels of understanding.
That is true. Some kinds of understanding are born out of a multidimensional nature, and your language can not really grasp this. You need to move your consciousness beyond your physical experience to have certain levels of knowing. The most powerful knowing is uncertain knowing. Uncertain knowing can originate from the Unknown. You use your unfamiliar senses more than your familiar ones. Most people are not aware of their unfamiliar senses, therefore they can not trust the uncertain of their knowing. Yet this is more powerful than understanding something.
I have believed that by seeing through and beyond the veil of our ordinary perceptions, we come closer to understanding our profound relationship to all created things – all possibilities and potentials – past and present – great and small. My sister, Christine, died in a car accident. She had recently found the love of her life. He had bought her a pair of earrings as a surprise, and she died before he gave them to her. I know that Christine is going to look fabulous in them the next time I see her … in whatever form she and I and this amazing play of consciousness assume.
You can visit her now. Close your eyes … move with your imagination into a safe place in nature … then leave that place and go look for her, with your imagination. She will be there. Did you know that you can create absolutely anything … with your imagination, your desire, and your expectation. You don’t have to wait, Robert. If you want, go find her now. She may have some interesting things to tell you.
© 2013-2015, Lyn Marsh,PhD, all rights reserved. You may not reproduce materials without permission from Lyn Marsh,PhD
To Read more about Robert Lanza, MD click here
Biocentrism by Robert Lanza, MD