It is morning in Albert Einstein’s heart.
He feels the violent deaths of terrorism taking more hold in Iraq and Syria … He senses the threat of Ebola. And he knows that the world overall is in chaos. But the morning in his heart bursts from him in joyful laughter. Rainbows of light and color flow from his heart – into the cosmos …
The cosmos responds to him and transforms into a shore of a white crystalline beach receiving the rhythmic movement of endless waves emerging from the unfathomable vastness of a Sea of Possibility. A horizon of early morning sunrise, lays itself across and into the rippling reception of the Sea.
Einstein finds himself floating in the middle of this Sea. The shore and horizon have disappeared.
Abject terror grabs hold of him, until he allows the Sea to lift it out.
It is the Sea that has called him. He surrenders himself. And he is … no more. Yet he is … everywhere.
In the next moment, he finds himself … directly facing the Old One … in the heart of the Sea.
Why am I here?
Old One:
You know that the world is lost. Your world was also lost.
There was more enchantment in the mainstream of physics, during your lifetime. But there are groups of physicists now … some who call themselves quantum mystics … who are alive and active in the current world. They are trying to bridge the gap between the mystical unknown and some of the perplexing phenomena being discovered in physics.
They are trying also to bridge the gap where scientists and physicists isolate their work from the rest of
life. They are trying to create bridges that allow beauty to be touched … and to touch — to give others a greater sense of eternity …
In their work, they are turning their attention to beauty … Perhaps you will visit one of them when you are ready.
In this time of chaos in the current world, choices and decisions that these scientists and physicists make … can change the world in ways that they can not imagine. It is a time of great power for map makers in the world … for dreamers and dream weavers … for vision makers … for purveyors of hope and mattering … for anyone who is initiating something new.
So what do you want to initiate, Albert?
I have realized, in my afterlife on this edge of the cosmos, that I am not separate from anything or anyone … from my world .. or from any world that exists. I am wondering if it is something within myself … that I want to initiate.
Old One:
What do you mean by that?
Well, if this violence is happening so intensely in the current world, there is something in me … that is allowing it.
I need to know what that is, so that I can let it go.
Old One:
Well, yes, that is one place to begin. But the only way you can explore what that might be … is to have compassion and forgiveness … for yourself and for others, like those others who you may have previously judged.
As a human, I believed that the world was unfriendly and I did not trust. I became a trustworthy person. I got that far. But I did not make it to that place where I saw the world as a friendly place … where I dreamed that the world was friendly and reacted to my world differently.
I know now that I am creating everything … with my desire, my imagination, and my expectation. I also know that I am not alone …
Old One:
Yes, so as we are reaching greater depth together … you can see that as you remember and reunite with who you really are … then you will naturally be different … you will be new. And this means that everything changes with you, doesn’t it …
Einstein closes his eyes to take this in … and thinks to himself knowing that the Old One can also ‘hear’:
I can’t put it together in a logical way. I have to go to … the nonlinear … the in-between of my thoughts and feelings … the in-between of what I know …
I want to discover what it is that my ‘more real’ self knows …
In-between Einstein’s thoughts and feelings, and in-between what he knows, he senses something ineffably sacred … wrapping itself around him … embracing him.
It is Beauty.
Beauty’s presence demands his attention – without control or domination. It is just that he would not want to focus on anything else … he could not betray who he knows himself to be, in this moment. He knows that he will move from here … changed and new.
Beauty will never let him go, now.
The universe stirs …
Then, seemingly out of nowhere, Einstein’s consciousness is in the White House, where he is sending President Obama the beauty and vastness of the Sea of Possibility … to honor his new future leadership …
President Obama is talking with his wife, Michelle:
I can feel it, Michelle, I am about to step into my most daring and courageous period of leadership as president. We both know that I have been pressured to ‘fit in’ and threatened in ways that could prevent me from doing the work that matters most to both of us: to help people take their power back in a non violent, empowered way … to inspire a truer sense and life of freedom – where people know that they are citizens of a world … where everyone matters … everyone has significance.
Our country has forgotten who it really is. It is a living organism that was formed to help people live freely – and formed to have a governing system that represents the people. Now — members of the house and senate are bought by rich lobbyers — and they often vote for the privileged few who mostly are huge corporations or organizations who have used their clout and money to buy most any votes they have needed. What has happened to government that represents the people?
President Obama:
I have little time left. Republicans and many democrats have not wanted me to be in office. They have done everything they could to discredit me. The sad part is, not about how many things I have accomplished and achieved. It is about how people are losing their respect and hope that they can reach for the possible … and their spirited achievements are diminishing. I want to inspire them again … to leap … to achieve their dreams. This is what will help make our country great. This is what our country can bring to our world.
And every country should be respected and honored, no matter how much they differ from us. That is the only way we can begin to live together with greater peace and acceptance of one another.
The Old One and Einstein are again sitting in the heart of the Sea.
Old One to Einstein:
When humans do not have a sense of belonging … when they do not know that they matter … they lack an ability to receive beauty. They may try to acquire or possess beautiful things … but they can not receive true beauty.
There are two forces that give people a sense of eternity. These are beauty and violence. If people feel that they can not have a strong connection with beauty, they will turn to violence.
In the situation of the ISIL terrorists, they have made up a god that is a god of violence … instead of a god who helps them connect with the beauty and love – to help them transcend the pain in their lives – to help them experience the part of themselves that remembers eternity through beauty … and to help them know that all of consciousness is part of a whole … One Consciousness.
Nothing is meant to be left out of the whole. Through deep misunderstanding … humans have come to see themselves as islands, in a sense. If they would look around them … they could see the Sea that holds them all.
You will soon see that President Obama’s new leadership is going to become more evident in the near future of the current world… He will dare to inspire and enchant a world to awaken its people … to dream new dreams which ignite the light of hope … for a new kind of world where all countries will know that they matter … where they will allow their ideas, beliefs, hopes, dreams, expectations, future visions … to form and come together … not to mush into the same.
Their ideas and visions, their hopes and dreams … will all come together with their uniqueness and differences … And something ‘new’ can be born out of this … something that is more than any of their individual visions or beliefs about how to govern a country …
Yet this ‘new’ kind of world can only be born if countries are given respect to govern with their own unique differences. The commonality that would be enforced would include that humans would be regarded with human rights of dignity and value.
In this new leadership, countries will be awakening to the realization that they can not make it as separate and isolated entities. They will come to realize that this only leads to violence and destruction … where the whole world would go down with them.
The terrorist groups, that have been growing at accelerated rates, bring their own message forward. The men and women drawn to these groups have lost their true sense of mattering … and of belonging. When this happens, horrendous violence, torture, and terror inducing techniques … become acceptable at a new octave of horror.
So, you can see how important it is to inspire humans … with a new way of relating to their world – that includes the mattering of all people … all nations … including the smallest and the most alien of them …
The Old One moves close to Einstein and looks into his eyes. Einstein can feel Her unveiling to him … his weakest darkest aspects of self. He sinks into the water in remorse.
As his tears rain into the Sea, they seem to take him with them.
The Sea of Possibility moves Einstein’s consciousness in its rippling current until his true purity of being – glows to light the Sea. And the Sea’s green blue color illuminates All That Is.
The Sea then embraces Einstein in the most breath taking awe of grace. His transcendent Self … lures him into … the depth of his caring and love … the extraordinary of his creativity and imagination … the beauty of his integrity and vision … the ineffable of his light and its immeasurable color …
Einstein begins to sense himself standing in the glow of his own being. He is now standing at the edge of the cosmos …
The edge, and the cosmos, appear different to him as he opens his etheric eyes. Einstein is embraced by all that he can see … or sense … He senses with those now familiar senses that he has come to know on this edge … those senses so unfamiliar to the human race.
Einstein thinks to himself:
Humans need these unfamiliar senses now. They need them to know who they really are. They need to know how to connect with the voice that has no words … and the movement that does not literally move … the substance of something, and its light – that can not seen with eyes … and the warmth that can not be felt as temperature, but can be sensed in one’s heart.
Humans are so much more than they can fathom.
So am I.

copyright © 2013-2014, Lyn Marsh,PhD, all rights reserved. You may not reproduce materials without permission from Lyn Marsh,PhD