Einstein and his friend,William, walk with their arms enfolded, along the edge of the cosmos. A stillness flows through their movement. They have become dear friends in this afterlife.
Out of the blue, they begin discussing the ‘hexagon’ shaped swirling weather creation on the North Pole of Saturn, which, for the current world, has probably been there for decades and maybe even centuries. They talk about how it has 200 mph winds, and that it is about 20,000 miles from edge to edge.
I hope that this will help the current scientists respond to this message from the elements.
I suspect that the weather creation had all that time to express its truer form, the hexagon, that otherwise would have been described as circular.
William had reached out to Einstein, during his recent lifetime. He had a mind with rare intelligence and an imagination which could wax untamed. In one of his meditations into mystery, he asked Einstein to muse with him, to help him develop his theory of gravity.
Einstein responded from his afterlife. He could sense something out of the ordinary about William, and he wanted to help him … and quietly, he wanted William to know more of his powers and gifts. There was a mysterious connection … which has continued since William’s physical death.
He was old when he died. In this afterlife, he is beautifully vital with black hair that flows in fractal undulations and his eyes radiate a blue luminance, the kind that could be found in those rare sunsets that seem to draw light from beyond the three obvious dimensions of the physical world.
William loves solitude almost as much as he had loved his Millie.
Einstein turns to William and their souls reach through the light of their eyes, in this pause … within this ineffable and mysterious moment, they yearn to reveal and then share.
William, I think it is time for you to speak of your theory with others. I meet with physicists, a mathematician, poets, and map making innovators here at this edge. Some of them would love to muse with you.
I have talked to so few, of my explorations. I believe that my theory supports your idea of a unified theory. I wouldn’t have developed my theory, had it not been for you and our passionate discussions and explorations.
Einstein brushed his hand tenderly across William’s shoulder, and turned with intention, to the chairs gathered around a bonfire that has become silent in its glow. As he turned, he found Erwin Schrodinger, Kurt Godel, e.e.cummings, Anais Nin, and Max Planck … sitting around the bonfire in anticipation.
William developed a new theoretical perspective for physics, which I believe works mathematically, as well as being a viable theory. He also developed a fascinating conceptualization of gravity, which can work for both relativity and quantum physics. He refers to his theory as the Universe Matrix theory.
Max Planck:
William, I’m glad you are here.
Hello Albert, I’ve missed our music. I’ve missed you.
Einstein walks over to Planck and the two of them ignite with laughter, as they hold the other so tight, that this joyful reunion can now be, forever, a part of them. It is a way of acknowledging the immortality of their relationship, in this personal interlude.
Planck turns to William:
What led you to pursue your Universe Matrix theory, William.
I was fascinated with gravity. In Einstein’s theory, the curvature of spacetime creates gravity, and I wondered if there was something else happening beyond what we could see, knowing that quantum gravity is limited in its scope.
So I decided to investigate what the current models tell me so that I could pursue my own quest for deeper understanding of gravity.
Max Planck:
What did the current models of physics tell you?
What stood out to me, is that everything in the universe, including all matter and energy … is always trying to seek its lowest energy position. What I mean is that it wants to go to its lowest energy potential … to exist and be. It wants use the least amount of energy to be what it is.
As I pondered this, I realized that certain crystals contain the lowest energy structured matter. They structure themselves so that they can use the least amount of energy to be what they are.
What did you find out about this structure?
I noticed that the most elegant crystals were structured in a hexagon geometric. In three dimensional spacetime, this hexagon becomes a cube-octahedron. So this crystal is a three dimensional configuration of octagon matrices, which are interfaced and interlaced.
The basic structure of this is actually made up of triangles and squares, with equal sides. Now this is true for a particular crystal in that elegant, ‘at rest’ position.
Where did you go from here, William?
I developed a model out of it all, and created a representation of this model with some wooden sticks.
As I worked with the physics of this structure, I realized that it had tremendous force, and that this structure could be the very structure that everything might be seeking to structure itself.
The largest cells [cube-octahedrons] in the matrix have a radius that light can travel, in one second. And these large cells overlap each other at a distance of Planck’s length. The matrix lines overlap themselves.
And the connecting matrix cells keep things in motion and structured correctly. They have the same geometric as the cube-octahedron, but they are the size of Planck.
So, you are saying that your theory was developed from this cube-octahedron model.
Yes, I took the cube-octahedron configuration and made a matrix model, so that everything in the universe would fit into this configuration. And I found out that as I did this, that I could duplicate the same results mathematically as the existing formulas that were used in physics.
In fact the formulas that I developed from my matrix, gave the same answers as formulas developed from Relativity, Newtonian, and Quantum physics.
Anais Nin:
Would you explain this so that I can understand it better?
Well, I’m not great at explaining things, but standard physics has certain formulas for light waves under certain conditions, from certain atoms. If you looked at my matrix, and took the geometric formulas derived from this matrix, you would have come up with the same type answers in my formulas.
There is radiation from molecules when they are stimulated and excited, and this forms light waves. These light waves are transmitted in space in certain wave lengths which are actually certain frequencies of the light. And these are measured in order to develop certain formulas.
William, tell them about the 2002 Handbook of Physics and Chemistry, and how you predicted that their answers were less accurate than they would be when their measuring devices would become more accurate in a later publication, based on your matrix formulas.
Yes. There are two values that have to be accurate for the matrix theory to be correct. The first value is Planck’s constant, the minimum quantum. It has been measured and I took that as true. The maximum quantum, then, also has to be a certain value. This is Planck’s size or Planck’s mass/weight. And there has to be a certain relationship between the two.
The information that was available in the 2002 CRC Handbook, did not match the exact number that the matrix formula predicted. It was close, but not the same.
Well, when the newer CRC Handbook [2005-2006] was published, the value for the maximum quantum [Planck’s weight], which I calculated using my matrix formula, based on the minimum that was established for Planck’s constant … was identical to the new value which had been calculated using more accurate measuring devices. This gave me greater hope for continuing on with my theory.
As a man who has devoted my whole life to the most clear headed science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about atoms this much: there is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together.
Yes, I believe that gravity is of this force that actually pushes and holds things together.
Let me say more about gravity and movement.
I believe that all forces are created for all objects — because they seek their most elegant expression.
All objects have their own boundaries of how they can move and what they can do. These restrictions for one are different than for another. And these objects, seeking their least energy position, cause the very movement of other objects. They each have their own force and the force of one object will be a resistance to the force of another object.
They are all of different energies, but all of them are seeking their minimum energy and this is what causes all of the conflicts and movements … and potentials…
Will you talk more about your matrix. I believed that behind the force of everything was the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind … and that this mind was the matrix of all matter.
What you say is very interesting, Max. The Universe Matrix theory says that the cosmos is structured as a matrix with connecting paths for ‘ips’ [energy potentials] to travel on. An ‘ip’ is an inertia point that travels along the paths of the matrix at almost the speed of light.
And it was a mystery to me, as to where they originate. There is something mysterious behind all force.
In my theory, ‘ips’ travel throughout this matrix, within the geometrical patterns of the matrix, and this is what causes matter and energy to happen. And as I said earlier, this geometric universal model was evolved from the structure of a crystal.
The matrix is made up of a maze of connecting pathways, in a hexagon [cube-octahedron in 3D] based matrix. There is a spiraling of electromagnetic waves in space that move within the matrix format. So the way the ip moves throughout the cube-octahedron formation forms a spiral.
Spiralling as luminous, they climb oblivion …
Anais Nin:
What is the difference between light and a tangible object in relationship to how the ‘ips move around in the matrix?
Light is a small segment of electromagnetic radiation. Matter is formed when the ‘ip’ is moving in a circular type of formation as it moves around the hexagon [cube-octahedron], and remains within this movement … around and around. It is interacting with other ‘ips’ that collide with it to create this circular type of movement around the hexagon. This is like a standing wave.
And then if that ‘ip’ spirals out through space, moving through the cube-octahedrons, along a spiraling geometric pathway — it would actually be radiated propagating energy, which is light. The waves are not constant. They are pulsing through space.
William, you have mentioned to me that particles, gravity, and electrical energy are all connected to one physical system.
I meant that — energy and force are connected together as a system and that particles are a part of it. Electromagnetic radiation is a part of it … as energy. And gravitation is a part of it. They are all different forces, but all part of the same system.
It is all about how the ‘ips’ are moving throughout the matrix and what kind of patterns they are forming.
There are ‘particle cells’. They fill up the matrix. They are everywhere within the universe. They are moving around from place to place.
‘Ips’ make these cells and the cells can travel throughout the matrix, as particles, themselves. They follow the paths. And the other forces on them, usually other particles, cause them to move. Electromagnetic fields can also cause movement.
There is one more thing, William. Will you tell them about gravity.
The ‘ips’ collide with other ‘ips’, and they cause all of the energy and matter to form in the matrix. And as I said, the ‘ips’ form cells, which can travel as particles.
Actually the different sizes of the various cells, interacting, causes gravity. What I mean, is that the larger cells have less gravity, and the smaller cells have more gravity energy. This is what causes the force between them.
Before you get completely lost, let me continue. The ‘ips’ are hitting the cells at different frequencies. “Ips’ are hitting the smaller cells at a higher frequency and the larger cells, at lower frequencies. They interact and this is what gravity is about.
The gravity of a particle is actually caused by the connecting cells , which are the size of a Planck particle. The momentum of that ‘ip’ in the connecting cell, hits the cell adjacent to it … and that cell that it hit, has an orbiting velocity on its surface.
When that Planck momentum from the connecting cell, hits it and knocks it around … the momentum times the speed of the orbiting velocity — is the energy. And the orbiting velocity is what determines the gravity. The orbiting velocity is the square root of the gravity field.
This opens possibilities for a new mathematics. How many dimensions does this Universe Matrix have? Also are there any hidden dimensions?
Is this Universe Matrix continuously expanding? If so, what is it expanding into?
[To be continued]

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