In this week’s post, Einstein encounters an Old One and the future of a mysterious stranger.The past and future are changed.
Einstein is walking alone on the beach in the early evening:
What am I doing here on this beach? I don’t know why I am in this world again. I had enough of this in my last life time.
He turns around, sensing someone, but no one is there.
The Old One has previously met with Einstein on the edge of the cosmos. She comes now, but keeps herself invisible to him.
Old One:
I’m walking past you. I feel your pain.
I haven’t believed that I would feel pain any more since I am beyond my physical life.
Old One:
You can voluntarily feel it. It is the pain of loneliness … of isolation. It is prevalent in this world.
I question myself and my purpose for being here.
Einstein walks on to an ensemble of rocks, forming themselves around pools that collect water as the ocean recedes from full tide. Standing at the very edge he can see into and beyond the horizon.
He feels how transient … a little blip of a life time on earth can be … for the people living in this world.
Einstein turns to the Old One even though he can not directly see her:
Many people are gone, before they even begin to know who they are. All humans will feel the sorrow of time, in their lives. I’m questioning everything right now.
Old One:
Everything … everything in the afterlife …. everything in all times and in all spaces … in the entire universe … is happening right now. But not only that. Everything is happening in one breath. Every human life, has but one moment of a life time to awaken … to touch into the uncharted of their life. This is why they are here. This moment can be a long one, or very short.
The secret is that each human being, begins life with minimal awareness of what this world is really about. This same limited person is the one who is in charge of his own life. She can choose anything she wants. Everyone has free will. If he will wake up, he will begin to remember more and more of his true nature, where he can have access to a life that is beyond belief … or she can stay asleep and miss the whole point of her lifetime.
Most religions and societies are meant to keep a person from realizing his true power. They are meant to keep order in place. So you can understand why so many do not wake up. They give their power away, either by accepting the religion and the rules of society, as their ‘truth’ or by fighting them such that their attention gets stuck there.
I don’t know if I have enough to make a real difference. During my lifetime much of the world came to love and respect what I had to say. Yet the truest and most important message I wanted to convey was lost. I wanted to show that everything in the world and in the universe
is connected.
Old One:
You initiated that dialogue. Isn’t that enough for you? This is where you fell short for yourself, isn’t it? You wouldn’t receive the beauty of all that you did give your world, and how you helped it change direction forever. It will never return to cartesian physics.
Are you telling me that I don’t feel like I am enough, no matter who I become or what I give?
Old One:
You continually keep yourself in a place of questioning the value and significance of what you give … Uncertainty is part of your genius. But it is also an enemy when you use it to turn on yourself … by diminishing your impact.
This is up now, as you place yourself in time-space. You are here to help others connect with the futures that actually express their magnificence … where they lean into the dignity and majesty that they will find within themselves. When they do this, they will become fascinating and fascinated with their lives, and they will be part of a new and different world.
I want them to know who they really are. But I don’t know the truest of my nature, either. Will I always be searching?
Old One:
It is the map you make for them, because of your courage to ‘not’ know. Yes, you stumble around with that and do stupid things. If what you do is always right and beautiful, how are you going to create a map? You have to fully put yourself into this world, to give the world ‘who you are’. This is when everything changes.
Einstein looks into the pools formed by the rocks … and he senses himself to be a part of all time and no time … he is everywhere and nowhere.
Then in a blip, he senses a profound sadness … He loses his balance and finds himself lying on the beach a little ways down from a woman, with a face holding a lonely child’s innocence and a body that has lost its protection. She is sobbing into the sand as the ocean waves are beginning to interrupt her breathing.
The waves are making their way to the crown of her head. She becomes very still and does not make one move, even to cough.
Einstein reaches over and grasps her hand. She has no response to this. He pulls her gently back from the water, and lies down to face her. Still no response. He continues this throughout the hours until the tide begins to recede. A very faint and infrequent flicker of eye lashes makes the only move during these hours.
Einstein opens his heart and mind and envelopes her with his love. He closes his eyes.
It is in the next morning where the sun and the ocean meet again for the first time, that she opens her eyes to see him staring into her. Her eyes glare as if she is looking through him at her ruined life. She hardly blinks for hours, as Einstein gently holds his focus with her … in the passing of the day.
As the full moon illuminates itself on to the ocean’s black of infinite possibility,she moves slightly and brings forward more life into the blinks of her eyes. Einstein responds with one tear as it makes its way over his nose and crosses his right cheek. A flood of tears flows from her eyes without one sound emerging. Einstein leans his forehead into hers and places his left hand on her heart. The stillness moves from them radiating out into the vastness of ocean as if one drop of rain has penetrated an infinite lake.
Einstein interrupts the silence and thinks to himself:
She has never been found.
His thought penetrates her mind, and her eyes widen with the realization.
As she gently wipes her tears with the palms of her hands, she sits herself up on the moon lit beach. Einstein joins her and without one word, they both begin laughing. First it was a gentle laugh. Then a full on – roll over laughing – laugh. At some point the laughing seems to take over and laugh itself, without their help, until the two of them can not tell themselves from the laughter. Laughter is everything. It is all there Is.
Einstein, and a woman who was lost and alone without hope, change the nature of the life for this woman … who will go forward to change the nature of life for her world.
In her current life, she works at a coffee shop during the day and is writing her screen play at night. She doesn’t know that she would someday lose all hope. But that has all changed now.
© 2013-2014, Lyn Marsh,PhD, all rights reserved. You may not reproduce materials without permission from Lyn Marsh,PhD