William freezes midstream and trips. He falls into an abyss of mistrust.
Why are they interested in my theory?
From his perspective, he has only been in his afterlife long enough to find Einstein. Maybe he is still asleep. He has this eldritch sense that he is dreaming now.
Yet, on earth, from the perspective of his loved ones, he has been gone for a few years.
William was frightened, as all humans are. But more, he was graciously courageous in his dying. The pain was terrible. He spent his last few conscious hours in the rapture of love.
Early in the last day of his life, he had fallen into mistrust. His brain was not receiving enough oxygen to process life as he knew it.
He remembers words from his daughter, as he was losing it. “Remember to feel the beauty that you are … Remember to feel how much you are loved and how deeply you love”.
He recalls the beauty … and the love flowing through the eyes of his Millie, surrounded him as a milky mist, and how the mistrust evaporated into untold beauty and eternal love.
Dying was his ultimate healing. He couldn’t have allowed this, in his lifetime. He had forgiven himself for those places where he fell short. He had hurt people. He had been hurt and deeply abandoned. But there were deeper levels that he did not know how to reach.
William hadn’t expected eternal love in his lifetime. So it was important that he felt pain. Maybe he had to pay for having that depth and vastness of love … or maybe the pain of love, lying in the recesses of his unconscious, was making its way through in the forms available to it … for him to be free on the other side.
In his dying, he let go of his pain; he let go of his indebtedness to love. And there he was … floating in a Sea of Love, forever knowing and feeling that he had always been loved. He was, and forever would be … love.
He embraced this defining moment — which is now living forever, within him.
William, it is not about whether your theory is the ultimate truth. At this edge, we see differently. We have no jealousy or envy. We don’t have agenda to be ‘right’. Every creative idea has merit. And as we value our own creativity, we can share with others.
Once in a while, the magic hidden within our creative expressions will reach someone. And they will be changed. It would be great if a lot of people are changed by us … but if one person feels a moment more of joy or hope, then our love and its magic … its beauty … has become more a part of life.
I believe that this ‘edge of the cosmos’ is a metaphor of our desire to touch into the human world from our afterlife. So as you communicate your creative ideas, there can be a link to something in the human world that can then move differently. We can support human life from this edge.
I am on the other side of my doubts now. Thank you, Albert. I see that it is not about whether I am right. It never was. It is about the journey … the adventure of life … and the adventure that continues in the afterlife. I was willing to feel humiliated to pursue the mysteries. It was just too much fun not to play.
But here, I am more free. There is no humiliation. No one is here to insult or dismiss. My imagination is untamed by past expectations or future anticipations, based on fear. I would like to help humans hold this freedom.
Erwin, you asked me if the universe is expanding. You also wanted to know what it could be expanding into …
In my theory, the universe is expanding into the ‘Universe Matrix’. And eventually, the universe will expand out so far, that it will reach a void, beyond this matrix, at which point, it will begin to contract
The universe continues to expand[which is what humans and all future humanity will experience] and then at some point, of which we can’t really personally conceive … there will be a contraction … It breathes very very slowly, in the context of human timing! And maybe it has only one breath. It is a mystery.
I have a feeling that entropy and negentropy are also part of this contraction and expansion … of this breath of movement …
It all reminds me of the mystery behind your ‘ip’, that energy potential, hitting the hexagon, and ultimately resulting in light waves or particles being created, in the matrix. It is a mystery as to where these ips come from or what is directing them. It is a mystery as to where ‘life’ itself, comes from.
Life is a gift. It is a human grace – to give. Humans give and receive life, to and from one another, over and over, as they are at home with themselves. It is their nature.
I wonder why it is so hard for some to fathom this. Why would scientists choose to remain in their own closed systems, such that they would try to dismiss the deeper mysteries of life, behind the physical manifestation of form. The ips are a gift of life, born and gifted of love, aren’t they?
It is love that gave me hope, that I could transcend the limitations and damages that occurred in my life. These limitations and damages take from life — so they are the entropy in life. And love itself is the essence of negentropy. If humans want to live long lives, they will need to come to peace with receiving, giving, and being … with love.
I completely agree, William. In my book, that was published in the year, 1944,What is Life?, I theorized that life [contrary to the general tendency dictated by the Second law of thermodynamics] decreased or maintained its entropy by feeding on negative entropy. Now the Second law of thermodynamics is based on a closed system, and I am opening the ‘system’ because I believe that this is one of the secrets for life … to open. Closed systems deteriorate with entropy. Open systems receive from life … from one another … from Other …
Oh, yes, Erwin. As we learn to receive love, we will discover eternity … immortality … timelessness … In this resonance, we begin to tap into who we are. Here, it is more elegant because we are not constrained by the illusion of the human body and it’s limited perceptions and conceptions of life. Perhaps we are here to help those humans who want more of this level of freedom, so that humanity itself can evolve.
we are for each other: then
laugh, leaning back in my arms
for life’s not a paragraph
And death i think is no parenthesis
I sense that humanity is undergoing profound evolution. And I believe that we can give more from here, than we would have been able to give as humans. There are also humans who live their spirituality, in the current world … who are giving of who they are … while in their human form … expanding their consciousness from that place of existence.
I respect that we were willing to reach out into the mysteries in our lives … and that we were willing to be the ‘fools’. I believe that it has helped me to have more compassion for life … and for myself …
Godel responds with a slight quiver in his voice:
I was isolated in my life. I ended up dying of malnutrition, from not eating. My dying process is a classic example of a closed system disintegrating in entropy. I shut down and stopped receiving from outside myself. My wife had died, and Albert, you were not around any longer. I did not trust the rest of the world, enough. So I shut down my willingness to receive.
Somewhere deep inside though, I knew that there was an eternal aspect of who I am … and that this part of me would transcend the human existence … and here I am … with all of you … receiving.
William, I asked you earlier about the number of dimensions that the Universe Matrix has. Also are there any hidden dimensions? Can you say something about his?
The matrix is within this cube-octahedron pattern in 3D, and that 3D pattern is different than matrices that we were used to, within mathematics, like the XYZ planes. This would have a fourth plane, time. And the basic geometric is a
hexagon, with 6 sides. So a new mathematics may well fit within that new geometrical pattern.
Yes, there are other dimensions hidden to us. There are other universes.
These are basic dimensions of the structure of the cosmos, itself. There are systems of pathways for all of the ‘ips’ to travel. That structured hidden dimension is in a concept, in a 3D that is hidden from our detection or measurement. We see our 3D dimensions and these are also attached or overlapped to other 3D dimensions that are also part of the matrix, but we can’t see them. I believe that some black holes are creating new universes, that we will never see.
I had a dream recently, where I was visiting a man who was musing with a new mathematics. He had received information from outside the human set … yet he seemed to be a human alive now in the current world
He was moving ideas around in his mind … playing with the information he had received. I called him Heartsong, in my dream. I knew that hearing, trusting and honoring his heart – would always be necessary for him to stay connected with his truer destinies. If not, he could get lost. I could relate to him, personally.
As I followed his ideas, I saw one triangle pointing down and one triangle pointing up. They came together to form the 6 pointed star. I remember thinking in this dream, that this 6 pointed star forms a hexagon, if you connect the points with a line.
Next they kept moving in the same respective directions, until they became a diamond, which 3 dimensionally turned into a
double tetrahedron. And I saw in his mind … that if you slice a double tetrahedron at a certain angle, you get a 5 sided
Then I sensed a Presence … beyond anything that I have known. The Presence seemed to be giving me the message about a geometric of beauty that offers freedom beyond anything that we can fathom.
Kurt your dream feels profound … Beauty is about elegance … so it would include a geometry in which life could be what it is … in the most elegant way. I believe that you began with this, as you developed your Universe Matrix,William.
I suspect that all of this relates to our discussions on entropy and negentropy. When life moves with this elegance, negentropy is produced. When life isolates itself into a closed system, entropy occurs.
Einstein closes his eyes and becomes very still.
I sense others who want to join us …
The voice of Virginia Woolf seems to come through the bonfire,
as her form becomes more clear:
What is the meaning of life? That was all. A simple question; one that tended to close in on one with years. The great revelation had never come. The great revelation perhaps never did come.
Instead, there were little daily miracles, illuminations, matches struck unexpectedly in the dark.
Here is one.
copyright © 2013-2014, Lyn Marsh,PhD, all rights reserved. You may not reproduce materials without permission from Lyn Marsh,PhD.
A World Without Time by Palle Yourgrau
eecummings poemhttp://www.goodreads.com/
quotes/15887-what-is-the- meaning-of-life-that-was-all– a
virginia woolf paragraph poemLazaris.Com
Thank you Bret Simister for the geometry information about the 2 triangles moving together … to form eventually the double tetrahedron and pentagon … that was shared with you, by Lazaris.
link; tetrahedron http://www.pinterest.com/pin/481040803921834973/ link; two tetrahedrons joining, etc http://www.pinterest.com/pin/481040803921834971/ link: two triangles coming to form 6 pointed star and hexagon http://www.pinterest.com/pin/481040803921834965/ link: edge of cosmos photo http://www.pinterest.com/pin/481040803921835221/ link; moonrise http://www.pinterest.com/pin/481040803921835204/ link for photo of virginia woolf http://www.theguardian.com/books/booksblog+virginiawoolf http://www.cnn.com/2013/12/06/tech/innovation/saturn-hexagon-nasa-cassini/index.html?iid=article_sidebar
info on hexagon weather on saturnLink for double tetrahedron colorful https://www.google.com/search?q=double+tetrahedron&newwindow=1&espv=2&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=BuWTU5vOLeez8AGfk4GgAQ&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAQ&biw=1600&bih=771#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=m69cLQybmvlQ4M%253A%3Bi6LD2R3_gzjXvM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Ffiles.abovetopsecret.com%252Ffiles%252Fimg%252Fyo51cc8a01.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.abovetopsecret.com%252Fforum%252Fthread956462%252Fpg1%3B360%3B360link for double tetrahedron best http://soundscapesinternational.com/wind-harps-created-from-sacred-geometry/