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Conversations, adventures, and future visions of Einstein and his friends in their afterlife.
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Lyn Marsh,PhD

Mysterious Adventures Through the Thousand Petal Lotus and Beyond

The Ancients meet Olivia and Perla in the Thousand Petal Lotus. They are transported through the Petals, transformed into a mythical bird and enter a mysterious terrain. This is the 6th post in this Faerie Series.

conversations Thousand_Petaled_Lotus_by_Catalyst_Design

The Petals of the Thousand Petal Lotus, illuminant with the Ancient Ones and Shining Ones … mesmerize Perla and Olivia. These Ancient Beings making their presence in the Petals, have previously lived human or faerie life times beyond the planet earth, in which they have evolved to become something more than human or faerie. Most of the human Ancient Ones and Shining Ones have evolved as Siriuns on the planets that revolve within the star system of Sirius. They are the oldest civilization of humans in this universe.

Shining Ones of Faerie, Tuatha Dé Danann, transported themselves long ago from planets in the star system, Orion. They loved the richness of beauty in the paradise of earth and they also became aware of the Orions using earth as a laboratory. These human animals were being terrorized and butchered by those Orions who used their technological advancement to travel to earth to experiment on the innocent early evolution of human animals. They inflicted horror beyond comprehension upon them. 

The Tuatha D’e Danann wanted to respond … to be of help to earth and to the consciousness that was expressing in human animal form on earth … but they would not stoop to dominate.  They needed more help. And in time, the Siriuns arrived to find a way to help heal the impact of these atrocities [ also refusing to stoop to intrude or dominate].  A secret plan was put in place. 

Perla and Olivia are moving among the Lotus Petals in a spiraling fashion  … The Ancients and Shining Ones seem etheric in nature, and when they focus upon them, they seem to blend into the Lotus Petal, yet in their brief connection, something happens … They can not describe it, even to themselves. It is as though they are touched by eternity … and they know that everything will be OK.

Then, unexpectedly they both stop in front of one petal, where a Being is staring at them, instead of blending into the petal. Is it faerie or human? They can not discern.  But this Being seems very feminine and appears to be somewhere between that of an Ancient One and Shining One …conversations eyes of ancient in lotus

Viola stares at them with luminous eyes that See right into the soul of a person. Tears gently overflow from the eyelids of Perla and Olivia, as they feel a beautiful sadness along with an inexplicable joy … They trust her from somewhere deep inside.

Viola was an ancient one who had completed her metamorphosis  …  And as an Ancient One, she then evolved to become a Shining One. In her purist form as Shining One, she is now a luminous numinous tiny Light that holds the power and Light of the universe and beyond. She has taken form to relate to Olivia and Perla, personally. Her eyes relentlessly reach into the depth of Olivia and Perla … until neither of them can hold their position in time-space …

Olivia and Perla find themselves to be on the other side of the Lotus Petal.  Viola, is shifting into a very strange but luminous bird without wings. Before being able to conceive one thought, Olivia and Perla begin transforming themselves into the wings that would give this bird flight.  Viola, Olivia, and Perla come together to become One beautiful odd and unfamiliar Bird-like being … who is now flying through and into a pastel sky … soft blues, tangerine pinks, blue green aquas, and violets … a touch of yellow orange.

They are soaring higher and higher, until they begin circling around in huge spiraling movements where they can detect some kind of terrain below … They circle lower and lower, as the strange geometric landscape appears to become more natural, with its mountains, streams, grasses and meadows … in their mutable perception of it all …conversations bird in blue sky with long tail

They can see an Emerald Pool that seems to go forever deep … It calls to them, “Come to me.” The huge bird begins to spiral closer and closer … until it lands in the terrain … on a large round disc rock formation, near the glistening Emerald Pool.

This huge bird hovers over the entire disc, as it makes its impeccable landing …  Olivia and Perla look up to discover that Viola is standing in front of them … staring into them … causing their souls to stir once again…

“You know so very little of who you really are.” Viola crooned as she walks them over to the Emerald Pool with her mind.  Before they realize what has happened, Olivia and Perla are looking into the depth of this Pool. 


This will be your first exploration.  The Emerald Pool will take you deep into itself, and as it does, you both will begin to experience the Unconscious of human and of faerie consciousness.conversations emerald pool no people

Perla, your unconscious consists of human experience … all the way through the cosmos. Olivia, your unconscious consists of faerie experience which includes the entire universe.  In this pool you will experience … the Unconscious of both faerie and human. This journey will feel as though it will never end. At times you will not want it to end. Other times you will crave an ending. It will end, but you will need one another to find your way through the dark chaos, as well as the Luminous and Numinous chaos that can reveal who you truly Are.  When you can make your way through … the Unconscious, you will have the capacity of power beyond what has been possible for you before. And there is a mystical mythical secret that may unveil itself somewhere in your journey.

It is your choice as to whether you decide to enter the pool to begin this journey.


I am afraid that the multidimensionality of faerie experiences will be overwhelming for me, but I want to go. Can you say more about what we will gain from this, Viola?


When you make your way through, you will have a unique Unconscious Power that will help you bridge the gap between human and faerie. Each of your worlds needs to bridge your two worlds, in order to bring a new world into fruition. You will not accomplish this in your life times … but you can plant the seeds. 


I want to make the journey Viola.  I am most afraid of the depths of love that may be revealed to me. I sense something of this in Perla. Some part of me does not know if I will survive. I don’t know why. I have dreams from ancient times where some of my fellow co-inhabitants on Orion, ripped and shredded love and vulnerability beyond recognition … where the feminine was reduced to a service … where the Goddess was denied. I am terrified of reaching the levels of love that can not ever have a name. I suspect this depth and breath of love may have reached into the Human Unconscious, and that the pain that accompanies the loss of this Love, may reach beyond my capabilities.


Olivia, you will discover that the Love that can not be named, can not be lost. Yes, humans have encountered pain beyond anything that could have been imagined. And some of the Orions have inflicted unspeakable pain and terror on humans. Although you are not a part of this Orion experiment, you are a part of it’s land, it’s terrain.  By experiencing the Human Unconscious, you will dip into the horror inflicted.  It is important to remember that you are not separate from this … but it is not ‘you’.  You are of their land, not of their choices, nor their actions.  You and Perla, and both of your worlds, are part of One Consciousness. When you can embrace it all, you are on your way to becoming Free. As you are Free, the world is new.

It is Perla who will help you … to find a depth of compassion and forgiveness for all of the consciousness that is Orion and all that is Human … for yourself … for all consciousness. This is what allows the truer freedom of Beingness to unfold. And a new world is underway.

It is you who will help Perla, move beyond her terror of a multidimensional existence … and you will help her lift her dependence upon linear time/space. You will help her take back her power.

Perla walks over to Olivia, and their arms open as if for the first time. Their embrace holds together some semblance of form, as they blend their energies as One. The Emerald Pool shimmers with anticipation, as the invisible Sea of Possibility receives an undulating and unexpected wave … of the Unfathomable.Wave

 © 2015, Lyn Marsh,PhD, all rights reserved. You may not reproduce materials without permission from Lyn Marsh,PhD



http://katdesignstudio.deviantart.com/art/Thousand-Petaled-Lotus-119395186   luminous lotus
http://riktr.com/wordpress/what-is-a-spiritual-warrior/rates  for eyes of ancient
http://www.weirdlife.com/mythical-creatures/  mythical bird
http://kevs.ca/2009/02/emerald-pool/  emerald pool