As President Obama wonders about his visions for his country and for the world, an illuminate blue white light fills the corner of the room. Everyone stares into the silence and resplendence of the light, and their mouths form a circle of black holes, in their gaping awe.
Einstein wonders why the Old One has entered the Oval Office. He knows that when She comes, a bigger picture is at hand. In this hush, he senses that something is ending … and something is being birthed …
The Old One has absorbed the awareness of their conversation and now flows Her communication into their minds:
President Obama, you are being challenged to reach beyond the boundaries of your human power so that you can create a leadership designed to inspire Americans to realize who they are … and that they belong to something greater than their individual lives.
This is a new kind of visionary leadership and it challenges you to surpass and supersede yourself. This leadership challenges you into a ‘dark wood’, where you face that the world you know, is completely lost. This can be frightening.
You must go through this dark wood to prepare for stepping up into a new kind of leadership where you will help to initiate – leadership of a new world … a world with true and future vision … a world that has never been.
In this world, people will eventually come to know that consciousness … life … love … beauty … are all eternal. And goodness and truth will always prevail. The world will not go down — because a new world is now here and will begin to show up in pieces.
Let go of what others think of you. Let your voice be heard. Grab those ‘pieces’ of the new world, and put them into action. Your country and your world are waiting on you. And you will respond. It is your grace.
The Old One disappears and Carl Jung begins to speak to the President and Michelle.
As you initiate a new kind of leadership, you will need to allow magic. You do not need to say this to anyone, only to know that this is true. Magic arises when you learn to have dominion with the chaos in yourself. You are seemingly in an impossible situation, and this is where most would give up. But this is not your destiny … nor is it your way. You will never understand magic, this is why people confine it to religion, or deny it through atheism. Religion and atheism are all part of the same continuum. This is why discussions on both sides have become so boring to those of us who look beyond the horizon.
Magic is a way of living. When you take responsibility for your own personal world, which means that you give up blaming someone else for what happens in your life. You put down all of your negative judgements toward yourself and others, and you change. You then look beyond the obvious … beyond the words … and sense something beyond all words. This will eventually be your truer guide.
This is when you can begin to lead a new world. The magic is beyond all words … beyond all logic and reason … beyond even your imagination.
Yet, when you can begin to let go of what you know of yourself, you will open to the part of you that you do not know, and this is when the magic comes out of the blue. Something is born of nothing. If you try to understand this, you will just go around in circles and you will get nowhere.
Barack, close your eyes, and allow yourself to go deep into the silence. Now ask yourself what visions you have for this new world that is unfolding …
President Obama sits completely still with his eyelids softly fluttering, as a bird balancing on a thin branch in the breezes of a warm sunlit afternoon. Then without warning, he springs out into conversation.
President Obama:
I feel passion rising from an unfamiliar place in my heart. I have visions. And I can sense visions that have yet to reveal themselves to me.
I want for people, including myself, to become even more courageous … to stand up for what truly matters … and to speak our hearts and minds, even if we are at risk of being criticized negatively.
I want people to honor the individuality in each and every one. We are all different and have something unique to give, whether or not we are aware of this.
My vision is that we bring our expressions of our individual uniqueness … together … into the beautiful complexity of a oneness. It’s like the human body which has many different organs. Each organ is unique and functions individually, yet only when all of the organs function together as ‘one’ in union with the brain, nervous system, endocrine system … all the way into the DNA of the cell, can the human that we are, come alive. And beyond this, we have two trillion microscopic organisms living on and in us, that function to help our body thrive. We need them and they need us, and we can not survive if we try to isolate from one another.
Another related vision is that all people are respected … regardless of – their gender, their choice of whom they love, their race, their age …
And of course as Americans, we already have ‘freedom’ as a vision. I see greater expressions of freedom. And this kind of freedom is defined by one’s self, not one’s ego. It is a freedom in which every person takes responsibility for their own lives as well as for their impact on others.
And then I come to a vision so close to my heart … that people all throughout the US, and the world … have a deeper sense of community. And this is complex. I’m talking about having a community that you can trust to back you up … in which you will share dreams and visions … a community in which the individuals show up uniquely for one another. And then I envision that people sense and feel a part of larger communities … like our country as a system of communities that come together as one large community … all the way to relating to the whole world as a community of many communities, to which we all belong.
And we each bring more harmony and balance to our communities because of how we respond with compassion, understanding, and love. And then we act to express this to those who are in need. This is how I want our ‘government of the people’ to operate.
At a more private level, I hope for a more conscious expression of ‘soul’ in the living of life. When there is a greater expression of soul, there will be more tenderness and gentleness. People will begin to believe that everything is going to be OK, and they will feel more passionate in their expressions and in their living of life.
And finally, I privately hope that spirituality will become more balanced … and more personal. What I mean is that spirituality has been mostly confined to religion. And these religions fight for being on top … the best … or the one who is the most ‘right’. They can’t all be ‘right’ and each one thinks that the others are ‘wrong’ or at the least, ‘less right’. There are some exceptions, but few.
I have a vision that each individual will look deeper to explore the mysteries of life … to live their lives finding out more about how deep they can love … and discovering more about the powers and wonders of … beauty, love, and gratitude … They will value their intuition and imagination, as well as their intellect. Religion can not give this, because of the negative judgement and the competition … But a personal spirituality that is shared and lived … can.
If government can operate to include these visions, then I believe that our country will thrive and this will inspire the world. The American people need to be inspired to wake up. I have not been able to do this yet. I don’t think I have ever allowed myself to just open to my truer visions that underlie the specific issues that I support for my country. I will veto anything that I believe will disrespect or dishonor the people of our country, the earth [and it’s life] on which we are so fortunate to live, or the world as a whole.
A pause [of smiling] fills the room.
e.e.cummings speaks out loud into the quiet:
But I shall always see
In my mind
The warm,yellow sun,and the ether free;
The vista’s sky,and the white cloud trailing,
Trailing behind,—
And below the young earth’s summer-green arbors,
And on high the eagle,—sailing,sailing
Into far skies and unknown harbors.
[to be continued]
copyright © 2013-2014, Lyn Marsh,PhD, all rights reserved. You may not reproduce materials without permission from Lyn Marsh,PhD
The Red Book by C.G.Jung [also includes illustration in post,that Jung created]