It’s different in the afterlife, especially on the edge of the cosmos. You see, it isn’t really an edge. It is more of an in-between … a pause …
It is in the in-between that you can make powerful choices … where magic and miracles come out of the blue … where you can change anything … and everything …
Einstein and his companions have an opportunity to participate with the current world … to help it find its way … And for this to happen, people will have to let go of how they define themselves and their world.
Now Einstein knows. This is why Robert Lanza is here.
Lanza is in a lucid dream. What he doesn’t know is that everyone here … is real. His lucid dream involves much more than his projections.
Lanza scans the room as he begins to talk:
There is a problem in physics and biology. Nothing in modern physics explains how a group of molecules in your brain create consciousness. The beauty of a sunset, the miracle of falling in love … are all ignored. Our current models do not allow for consciousness. The absurd thing is that our present model of physics does not even recognize this as a problem.
Did you know that everything we can see includes about 4% of the universe. And dark matter is about 24% of the universe. The true bulk of the cosmos is dark energy, which is utterly mysterious.
We have been ignoring the most important component: consciousness.
And consciousness does not end when you die.
Your human life will end in a blink, unless you wake up.
This is why we are here, with you now. We want a better world for you … and we want to help you have this.
The President and Michelle need our support.
In your world, President Obama and Michelle, people have become isolated from one another … They have lost their sense of belonging.
President Obama:
Yes, this keeps our country, its people, and our whole world … at odds with one another. I want to bridge these gaps, if I can. I feel discouraged at times. I feel that some of my genuine attempts at this have back fired. I am reaching out for help.
What happened to the Teddy Roosevelt’s of the conservative world. He created national parks for all people to enjoy the beauty of nature in our country.
Teddy Roosevelt said that presidents and congress should always leave the land in better condition for the next generation. What has happened to us?
Maya Angelou:
It is a time to love. This is your challenge, isn’t it? It is easy to find reasons to hate and judge.
In the flush of love’s light
we dare be brave
And suddenly we see
that love costs all we are
and will ever be.
Yet it is only love
which sets us free.
A Brave and Startling Truth.
Anais turns to Maya Angelou:
Research can not measure beauty … nor love … But when you look deeply into the soul of another or when you have an experience that catapults you beyond who you know yourself to be, you experience more of beauty … more of the wonder and innocence of life …
You have a sense of being a part of everything … and you can know more of love …
We don’t have time, so we have a greater awareness of a more expansive consciousness. And we have come to realize that consciousness and love are not really separate … even when people pretend that they are.
In our afterlife, we actually live what we imagine … appearing here and there … as if out of nowhere.
Modern knowledge of the brain actually shows that what appears to be ‘out there’ is actually occurring within our own minds, with our visual and tactile experiences originating in our mind. So our perceptions can not be separated from what we experience in our reality.
Quantum research has demonstrated clearly that without the presence of a conscious observer, nothing is there … It is possible for something to be there, but it will only be there because of consciousness creating it to be there. Otherwise it exists only as a wave of possibility.
There have been interesting discoveries in quantum research. We have discovered that if we plan in the future to observe something, those waves of possibility will precipitate into particles and respond to us as though we have already observed them.
If we observe an electron passing through the slits, it will become a particle, even if we haven’t yet observed it, but we are going to observe it, later.
If we are not going to observe that electron in the future, then the electron will go through the slits as a wave … another words it will remain only a possibility. Somehow this electron knows to respond to what we are going to decide to do … in the future.
Anais Nin joins in the conversation:
So aren’t you saying that we have to put ourselves into something before it can exist? We have to give it our attention and our intention. Otherwise it remains a possibility. We focus on what we want to see or experience and there we are, in the experience.
Maybe it is the future that more often determines our behavior, rather than what we call our past.
President Obama:
I think what you all are saying, is that if Michelle and I realize that our focus can change anything … and everything … we can focus on and imagine a different world. We can even imagine a different congress. We can imagine a congress that represents the people … a congress that can not be ‘bought’. We can imagine that we work together.
Yes, mysticism can dance with science. The amazing thing is that, with life, there is a flowering, unfolding, and experiencing that we can’t wrap our logical minds around … like the whip-poor-will singing a melody in the moonlight … or a sunrise that takes your breath away, bringing you a sense of immortality … of eternity …
Anais Nin:
And for you, Mr. President … a congress that works together with you, as if it happened out of the blue.
(Einstein and the Oval Office Series to be continued)
copyright © 2013-2014, Lyn Marsh,PhD, all rights reserved. You may not reproduce materials without permission from Lyn Marsh,PhD
Biocentrism: How Life and Consciousness are the Keys to Understanding the True Nature of the Universe, byRobert Lanza