Olivia and Perla bring their worlds together and explore their experiences of other worlds and dimensions with Einstein
[3rd in this series]
Olivia and Perla Converge Two Worlds
Perla opens the huge arched door to allow Olivia and Einstein into her home. The antechamber has a hexagon shape with 14 huge, almost human size crystals creating a paradoxical resonance of an awe-inspiring hallows of wonder accompanied by a terrifying dread-like feeling that would be immobilizing for most.
Your crystals seem to create a multidimensional resonance chamber. I feel more at home. There is an invitation here that I imagine few in your human world accept.
Yes, what you say is true Olivia. Most people experience chaos as they enter the chamber and prefer to leave. There are some who make their way through the chaos, and then recreate themselves slightly different. Most of them are enlivened to go beyond the antechamber as the light of the chaos lifts to its elegant order.
I use this resonance to unravel and recreate myself. If you look closely at the walls, you can see that they are living weavings.
Over ‘time’, the weavings change their patterns and colors … and jewels appear out of nowhere.A small door is in the farthest wall in this hexagon shaped room. Notice that it is partially open. I have dog named Rip who loves to hang out in the little closet behind the door. He’s black, so you can’t see him from the outside. If someone is a threat to goodness, truth, and beauty, Rip will come right out and growl with sounds that would send anyone back out the front door. Some times he comes out and just rips at the weavings. He has earned his name.
But I am never concerned because in my night dreams, a Mysterious One and I reweave the tapestry. And in the morning, new weavings are everywhere. This is often when I take time to consciously unravel and recreate myself to align with the new weavings.
Einstein notices that his feet are not quite on the ground, as they walk through an arched opening in the antechamber. He is surprised because they don’t walk into a living room or den, as he would expect. They enter directly into a huge kitchen with one long wall lined with opened french doors and numerous windows … that overlook a garden of a completely different terrain. It is filled with succulents, avocado and lemon trees … plumeria flowers … and crystals planted throughout … You can hear the music … the symphony of tones … in beautiful harmony with a waterfall entrusting itself to a small pond.
You were in my dreams last night, Olivia. I was walking in spirals in the petals of a thousand petal lotus … singing … when I saw you inside one of the petals.
Sometimes I walk the lotus, to remember my transcendent self … and to be with the Divine … that I refer to as GodGoddessAllThatIs.
Violet, a faerie who lives in the heart of our world, dreams me into that lotus when I need to know something – in a different kind of way than I am capable of knowing or understanding on my own. Mostly I return confused and uncertain. But at the same time, I can sense a new direction which I begin to pursue. I met Albert this way. Violet produced what she calls a multidimensional breezeway
and dreamed me into it. I felt this strange being following me. He was Albert Einstein.
Perla pours Maeng Da Leaf tea in to colorful cups for each of them, and they walk through the french doors into the garden. They sit at a small round table near the lotus pond and waterfall.
I didn’t see you in the lotus, Albert, but you are often in my dreams … You take me on journeys through the cosmos
to help me have perspective when I lose my way. Often you take me to an Old One
who challenges me to continue my metamorphosis. It is not easy losing my old perspective of linear time and space. The moments I now experience can be totally unrelated to one another. I move between them and I surrender my past. I surrender the past of the last moment. I surrender my separateness with the Goddess … with GodGoddessAllThatIs. I am cocooned by Her Tone … and in this between, I sense my direction. The next moment is born from here, not from the last moment. I am often uncertain. My knowing is more and more uncertain.
Do you listen to the whispers, Perla?
Well some times I have strong feelings when I am in the midst of a moment. I just feel them…and that is all there is … until I surrender again. And She is there … Her Tone … Her Love … and I sense new direction. Then in this new moment. I listen for the whispers.
What if there are shouts … like a storm coming … or a friend who has turned their back to you … or if you become ill so that it threatens your liveliness?
You are faerie, Olivia. I know this. I have been wanting to have a friend of faerie who has traversed the vortex
in the between. I know I don’t need you to come in person, but I love that you are here. Thank you!
As humans we do have illnesses that can kill us. And this kind of illness is a shout for sure … as are huge devastating storms, or as we would put it, having a friend betray or abandon us … These obvious shouts let us know we need to change direction … And we can heal and change as a result of these difficult experiences.
I have noticed, though, that as I listen to the whispers … and I move beyond the words – into the between … as I am living here more … I can sense direction that is not separate from my own personal world … nor from the more objective world. Most importantly it is not separate from my transcendent Self …nor from the Other worlds. There is a stillness here … a hush.
This is when I can receive other magnificent Beings who are waiting to help … to give to me in ways I can not yet fathom … and in ways perhaps I will never fathom.
Yes, I am faerie and as I am getting to know you, I can feel faerie blood in you. We could have a bond that will reveal itself in one of the moments we share.
Violet, my ancient friend, and I explore other worlds and dimensions with Beings of Light who have great power. We have access to many dimensions at once. There are not just 3 or 4 dimensions … of length, width, height, time/space. We move in dimensions of creativity, imagination, energy … Life and death have different meaning for us.
Our personal worlds are more fluid, more intense with emotion, and richer in dimension.
But Perla, there is something about your heart. I feel a kind of love … that is unknown to me. Will you help me know this love?
Oh yes, Olivia, and can you help me in the between … to explore this multidimensional existence with more grace?
I will.
© 2013-2015, Lyn Marsh,PhD, all rights reserved. You may not reproduce materials without permission from Lyn Marsh,PhD
Beautiful Mystical Dream Gardens by Designer and Creator Zoe Landers — Photos by Ines Sinon
http://weavingspirit.blogspot.com/2013/12/botanical-weaving.html weaving