The Multidimensional Breezeway
Einstein and an oddball multidimensional mystic, Olivia, meet in the multidimensional breezeway.[2nd in this series]
The first time she found the multidimensional breezeway, she was in the middle of a wild hurricane in her night dream. She dove as a fool … into the elements and was catapulted into its heart … a liminal place. It is here that she was touched by a Tone of Current which has since been her guide and her protection.
Olivia is a story weaver. Story weavers, in her multidimensional world, weave dreams and ‘uncertain knowing’ into tapestries of Life … with the Mystical Weavings of the Mysterious Weaver Woman. These mystical weavings change life as the weaving is happening. The weavings might also be unraveled as life unravels with them … This is necessary for a New World coming …
As she leans into her favorite tree, deep in the forest, Olivia opens her heart and surrenders her sense of separateness to the One Tone of Current … as the Tone moves into her … and surrounds her. It suspends her in the air. Olivia can sense her direction now … She relinquishes her attachment to her ‘form’ and flows unbridled in the Current … It leads her into the multidimensional breezeway, that functions as if it were the eye or heart of a multidimensional hurricane.
‘Moments’ of ‘being’ – embrace her. No moment is dependent upon another. Yet as she experiences each one of them, new moments are born. Each of the moments become a part of who she Is.
It is between these moments that she remembers and reunites with her transcendent more real Self. The moments are not linear. They are born in a beautiful chaos, and lift into their beautiful order. Not a rigid or preplanned order. These moments are as matrices of resonance that allow a state of being from which to surrender to something more … There is a hidden tapestry alive here.
Olivia is in the Tone of Current inside the multidimensional breezeway. The Goddess is her protection and her guide. As she moves without moving, she senses that someone is alongside her. But something is unfamiliar about them. From out of the blue, she finds herself inside a dome formation in the middle of the breezeway. She realizes that she is inside an abode for one of her own kind.
She is Faerie and multidimensional travel is a part of her way of life. But she usually doesn’t end up inside of the home place of a fellow faerie. Tobin feels threatened by her intrusion and immediately invents a rabid-looking dog to scare her. She knows the dog is illusory and Tobin’s name moves into her awareness. She now knows that she has intruded.
“I am so very sorry for entering your living domain without your permission. I was in a breezeway. I must have gotten lost.”
Tobin disappears his dog when he realizes that she is no threat and then proceeds to feel intense sorrow and regret for responding to her with his deceptive attack dog. A human would have felt threatened at the level of Tobin’s intensity. But for him, it is a normal reaction to having insulted someone with pure intentions.
Olivia can feel that the other fellow traveler, alongside her, has wandered in here with her. “Get out right now. We have intruded in Tobin’s home ground.” The force of her voice catapults herself and this strange hitch hiker back into the breezeway and she shifts her focus to see who this freeloader is.
Einstein is wondering how he has ended up in a strange alliance with this quirky oddball. He is not at all familiar with her kind. He is curious about her wild abandon and the fierceness of her intention … not to mention the intractable expression of her emotions. He has never seen someone so unpredictable.
“Who are you and why are you following me?” Olivia says.
Olivia’s barrage of emotion knocks Einstein off balance until he can gather his focus and respond. ” Who are you? I don’t know how I ended up here. The last thing I remember is a storm of activity in the middle of the night and that I was curious. I had been talking with a friend.”
“You’re human!” Olivia replies.
“Well, no, not really. But I was once human. I am now beyond my last life, in a liminal place where I am free to explore many different realms of life … dimensional and multidimensional … You are in a multidimensional realm, aren’t you?” Einstein says.
Olivia moves her awareness directly in front of Einstein and looks into his eyes without a blink. “Oh, I have not yet been with the afterlife.”
In the next moment, Olivia and Einstein are sitting under her favorite tree. “I’m not sure why I brought you here with me.” She tells him.
“I suspect there is something we have to receive from one another,” Einstein says.
Olivia lightens up. “Now I remember, I have been in the Tone of Current. I am so aware of the communion as I begin, but when the intensity of my encounters moves into and through who I am, I can get so wrapped up in my responses that I lose my perspective. Why do you think we have come together?”
“Hmm, I am wondering what you think of the human world.” Einstein replies.
“Well first they are walking around without knowing who they are, holding back most of their real emotions. They seem to live in little boxes of awareness and they have minimal ability to perceive what is around them. They could fall out into an abyss and think that they had only fainted for a bit. Their ideas about reality are so constrictive that I want to blow life into them or else just blow them out of this universe.”
Einstein’s smile stretches his face about as far as it can go. His eyes twinkle and he realizes that there is something about Olivia that seems familiar to him. He felt similar feelings about his colleagues, in his lifetime, who so highly espoused logic and reason and who wanted to keep time as a straight arrow … to hold life tight in their neat little packages.
He senses the bond that he and Olivia have, even though he doesn’t understand it. He feels that he is about to know something, but he can’t quite bring it into his conscious mind. However he knows that he and Olivia have a deeper purpose in their meeting.
Curiosity and wonder magnify Olivia’s focus. She can access her pasts and her futures by moving her focus through the multidimensional tapestry of her life
… but never has she encountered a being on the other side of a human life.
“What do you call yourself?” She asks.
“Albert Einstein. That’s what I called myself as a human.” He responds.
“Albert, why do humans want to destroy our planet?”
“I don’t think they actually want to destroy it. Nonetheless they are doing things that have destructive impact. Humans are mostly out of touch with the elements … with the natural life. They live in their little worlds, disconnected from the earth and with most of the other humans in their world who happen to live in foreign countries or societies or who practice religions that are different from theirs.” Albert responds.
“Why?” Says Olivia.
Einstein continues. “They narrow their perspective in life to that of their religions, educational systems, and their protected societies. Others who have very different beliefs, threaten their life style and threaten the way they perceive life. People are afraid to change. I think they are afraid that they will be punished or lose what little they have. Many changes that have been forced on them have been painful and sometimes even horrific. So they retreat.
“They forget that they are alive so that they can love and be loved … so that they can remember who they really are … so that they can experience beauty …. so that they can have fun living their dreams and visions … and reveal secrets that help them receive beyond what they can imagine or dream.”
Olivia begins to talk. “Do they not learn from the trees? Have they forgotten the voices of nature? GodGoddessAllThatIs speaks through the animals, water and clouds, the wind, the trees
… as well as through our interactions with one another. There is a Current of Tone that lifts us to remember who we are … that protects and guides us if we will receive… That much I know. Not all faerie know this. I am involved with those faerie who live deep within the recesses … closer to and in the heart of my realm. They teach me these things … and more.”
“I see. Now I’m beginning to sense why we have come together, Olivia. The world needs us.” Einstein says this as he leans into the soft living moss that creeps up the trunk of Olivia’s tree.
© 2013-2015, Lyn Marsh,PhD, all rights reserved. You may not reproduce materials without permission from Lyn Marsh,PhD